Promo video for Student Conference 2016
by Petar Mitrović
by Petar Mitrović
Brian Leiter University of Chicago Paper: The Roles of Judges in Democracies Abstract There is no such thing as “the role” of a judge in democracies, since judges and democracies differ along a variety of relevant dimensions: the nature of the … Continued
Legal interpretation has been one of the predominant topics in contemporary jurisprudence. Forma descriptive issues regarding the proper characterization of legal interpretation legal hermeneutics has shaped decades of theorizing about law in general, and legal reasoning and adjudication in particular. … Continued
Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade and the Serbian Association of Legal and Social Philosophy (IVR Serbia) are organizing the Third Student Conference on the theory and philosophy of law, which will be held on 21 October 2016.
Contemporary legal theory has for the most part been interested in the complex relation between language and legal normativity. This has been the crux of the essential debates between Herbert Hart, Joseph Raz and Ronald Dworkin. Hart maintained that normative … Continued
Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade, 24-25 October 2014 Robert Alexy (University of Kiel), ‘Constitutional Rights and Constitutional Review’ • Pierluigi Chiassoni (University of Genoa), ‘Freedom of Conscience and Freedom of Religion in a Constitutional State: Two Varieties of Conscientious … Continued